Master Distiller, Dan Stein


Nestled in the beautiful town of Joseph, Oregon, is a hidden gem that promises to take you on an unforgettable journey of flavors and aromas. The Stein Distillery tasting room experience is a haven for spirit enthusiasts and curious explorers alike. With its rustic charm and warm ambiance, it's the perfect place to unwind, relax, and let your senses be tantalized by the rich and diverse world of spirits.

Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or new to the world of spirits, our distillery tasting room offers an opportunity to expand your palate and gain a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship that goes into creating these liquid works of art. From whiskey and vodka to rum and cordials, each spirit has its unique story, flavor profile, and production process that make it a true reflection of its origin and distiller's expertise.

So, if you're ready to embark on a sensory adventure, let's dive into the world of spirits and explore the Stein Distillery tasting room experience in Joseph, Oregon.

The Craftsmanship of Spirits: A Journey of Flavors

At the heart of any distillery tasting room experience is the craftsmanship that goes into creating the spirits. From selecting the finest ingredients to the meticulous production process, every step is a labor of love that results in the liquid gold we know as spirits.

As you step into the tasting room, you'll be greeted by the rich aroma of our fermenting mash and the warm glow of copper stills, a sight that speaks volumes about the artistry of spirits making. Each distillery has its unique production techniques and recipes, which are carefully guarded secrets that give their spirits their distinct character and flavor profile.

To truly appreciate the craftsmanship of spirits, you'll have the opportunity to engage with the distillers themselves. They'll be more than happy to share their passion, knowledge, and stories behind each spirit, making your tasting experience truly immersive and educational.

The Pleasures of Tasting: A Sensory Delight

Tasting spirits is not just about the flavors, but a sensory experience that engages all your senses. From the visual appeal of the spirits in the glass to the aroma that wafts from the glass, and the taste that lingers on your palate, each sip is a moment to savor.

In Stein Distillery’s tasting room, you'll have the chance to explore a variety of spirits, each with its unique characteristics. From the smooth and smoky notes of whiskey to the crisp and sweet flavors of our rum, every spirit tells a story that's waiting to be discovered.

As you take your first sip, let the spirit dance on your tongue, and observe how the flavors evolve and change with each moment. Notice the subtle nuances, the sweetness, the warmth, and the complexity that makes each spirit distinct. Take your time, savor the moment, and let your taste buds guide you on this exquisite sensory journey.

The cherry on top is that our tastings are complimentary.